Tonight is kinda rough. I feel a little blue. It is one of the first times Amanda and I have not gone to bed at the same time.
For the past couple days, Jace has been having a really hard time sleeping. The littlest noises wake him, and because of that he has not napped well, and hasn't slept too good at night.
At first I was the type of mother to say "Make as much noise as you want around the baby! It's good for him!"
Two things on that. My mom made a shit ton of noise around me when I was little. She liked to party and live up her "I'm a princess, not a mother" fantasy while I was sleeping. I now have insomnia, and have never slept well in the 30 years I've been alive.
Also, at this point, I'm so desperate for the baby to sleep, I'll cut the next bitch who makes a sound in this house.
I feel like I've pretty much turned into Satan while the baby sleeps, because I can't get anything done around the hose until he's out. I glare at any human making noise with a firey vengance, and have taken to squirting the dogs with a spray bottle any time they cause a ruckus. I've even considered fashioning felt bottomed shoes for the cats paws... I feel like I'm turning into a 90 year old man, in a house coat and slippers.
"Get off my lawn, you little bastards!" yup. right now that's me.
I'm not sure what to do here. I enjoy a hodgepodge of parenting styles. I'm pretty much a "do it if it feels right in your mommy gut" type of gal. In saying that, I don't know if I try to put the baby down in a reallll quiet room during the day for naps or if I continue to wear him and let him cat nap on and off for 5 or 6 minutes here and there. I've gotta figure something out, because I'm losing sleep and sanity.
Also, right now he's asleep in his swing. I'm sitting on the couch feeling sorry for myself that I might have to snooze on the couch until he wakes. I miss Amanda. I want to sleep next to her.
Do I wake him and reap the consequences? Or dream alone? Of my bed, and my baby?
As of now I'm just sitting bleary eyed, pumping and blogging.
Wearing an even deeper rut into the footsteps of the parents who have come before me, unsure as hell, if what they are doing is right.
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