Saturday, August 10, 2013

9 Pills a day

Weekly check at the Doctor yesterday. She tells us we are 3 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. She asks if our bags our packed, if we've had the hospital tour. We tell her it is scheduled for next week, and she laughs, saying we may never get that hospital tour, that she may be the one to show us around.
She asks me if i am cramping and I tell her yes,
every early morning now for over a week, I cramp. Before I am awake they start, and roll against my aching belly for a few hours, until they dissipate with the day. This morning they woke me up at five. I stayed awake and read until my eyes fell asleep against the pulpy pages of April & Oliver.
Yesterday they also took my blood. My blood pressure was high at the office, even though they upped my blood pressure medication. So they put me on another pill, to bridge the gap between when I take my OTHER three doses.
Now all day I feel like a zombie. My eyelids are so heavy, they feel like velvet. My mouth is set in a dreamy, still asleep kind of way, and whole chunks of time fly past me without my knowing. I feel so bothered. I just want to be left alone. I don't want anyone to ask me to do another thing. I want to sit and wait, by myself, until I can sleep against this maddening regimen of pills, or until this mood passes, and once again, I feel as close to normal as I'm going to get until after the baby comes.

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