Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Last Thing you will Read

Did I ever tell you how much I love my blog? I am constantly thinking about things to write, much like I have been doing my whole life.
I am always thinking on what my readers might like to hear, or debate on. I am usually putting energy into what I would like to say.

I had the best of intentions when starting my blog. But I noticed something odd. It started generating a lot of negativity. Because people were challenged or provoked by my words, they said hurtful, angry or mean things back.
It's unfortunate that because I have differences, or am so different than others, they turn into a lynch mob of sorts over words.
It wasn't just one person. It was a ton of people. Family members even. People who took my words out of context, or used them to hurt others to their advantage.
Believe it or not, my blog cost my family a lot of things. It even took food out of my child's mouth.

All of my supporters and true friends told me to keep writing it. To not let anyone phase me or get me down.
For a while  I agreed with them, but then noticed every time something negative was written or said, It would take me longer to write another blog. It started to become sad, and bring me down. It became a small round jewel in my heart, blue and smooth, and ice cold.

So, my darling reader, it's time for me to say goodbye.
When the negativity reaches caustic levels, I have to do what's best for me and for the love of writing and that is to shut this door, so that I can kick through a window somewhere else.
Maybe you'll find me someday, writing another blog. And if you do, I hope you will read it with the same vigor as you did before.

I will look fondly back on this blog with a little bit of heart ache and regret. I also hope that one day, my son finds it and gets a small peek into what my life was like as a new mother, and how much I love him and our time together.

Thank you girls, and maybe a sprinkling of men. John. Chris. You know who you are. Thank you for reading my blog, and sharing it and for making me feel super special with all of your kind words.
After I heal from the hardship of this one, maybe we will meet again.

All my love to you. Thank you, again and again.

This is, for the last time, Three Pairs of Shoes saying Goodbye.

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