I originally wrote a blog about Pre-mastication. It's pretty gross, and I totally wanted to publish it, but Amanda said she can't even think about it without gagging. So for now I will hold it under my belt.
Instead I am going to write about my feelings on all of the gay hating that is going on in Michigan lately.
Lauren, this blog is for you...
Protesters & Queer haters alike,
Stop hating us. It doesn't feel good to turn on the tv, and constantly hear how our people are immoral, wrong or un-godly. When you feel negative toward us, we feel negative back toward you, and it just keeps repeating this horrible, ugly cycle of hate.
Have you ever asked yourselves why you really care about our private lives? Whether we can marry or get a tax break? I dont' think it's really about God, especially because from what I understand he doesn't judge, and ran with derelicts and prostiutes. So why are you judging? It doesn't seem very godly to me. Are you secretly dreaming about penises at night? or tapping your foot under the stalls of public restrooms? Typically when someone is so interested in something, it's usually because they are hiding behind fear. It's ok if you're a closet gay, we won't judge you...
All of this hating is just not nice. So stop it. Stop all of it. Focus your energy where it matters. Pedophiles, rapists, abusers, animal cruelty. Not two people who love each other, or two people who want to raise a baby together.
Do you know what we do behind closed doors? We do laundry, dishes, read books. We shop online, we try new recipes. There's nothing special or weird going on. And even if there were, hey, that's our business.
Just because you don't like us, doesn't mean we are going to go away. We're still going to raise children, we are still going to get married in the states we're allowed to. The only thing marriage would do is protect us with laws. Why do you feel like that is a privilege only straight people can have? especially when over 50% of you get divorced?
We deserve a chance, because in almost all situations we make things better. Lawns, houses, outfits, straight girls with no boyfriends.
The thing is, we will do this in the long run. Eventually all of the states will come around and this will be a horrible shameful memory, like the time millions of Jews were murdered, or the time black people were treated as second class citizens.
I would never interfere in your business. Gay people don't care about your private lives. Stop being so obsessed with ours.
Just think of how it would feel if you could not adopt your own child. Think of how it would feel to know your spouse could leave, and you would have no legal right to ask for child support. We have to take such risks in our lives. Risks where you could never imagine the pain or fear involved.
Gay couples waiting to wed, or who have children live with anxiety, because in 2014, because we still don't have rights.
Yet you ask for our money by way of taxes. Funny how we're good enough to give but not receive.
I'm so tired of your constant badgering. I'm tired of the state of Michigan pretending there is separation of church and state and then telling us we cannot get married or adopt our children. What is it going to take? A riot in the streets? Because we can give you that.
Even though I wan't to claw, kick and spit, I have to be patient now, eventually our time will come. And eventually you will find another group to hate. I guess now it's just our time to be persecuted. We will deal with it, and we will do it fabulously.
I hope things work in our favor. And soon.
I wonder if our son will look back on this and shake his head, at the way the world has changed.
A Wife, A Mother & A Supporter of all LGBT folks.
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